How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Grow Hair

Law of attraction or the power of your subconscious mind…whatever you wish to call it, your mind and thoughts can influence your body. Yes, your genes are a key factor for the thickness of your hair and the texture too, but you can influence your body with your thoughts.

As the 19th century mystic, Neville Goddard, had summed it up in 4 words: Feeling is The Secret. This applies to everything you are trying to manifest. What you ‘feel’ about it matters the most. So you must try to feel good about your appearance. He also gave us a very powerful phrase, ‘leave the mirror and change your face’.

How the Law of Attraction works for hair growth

The crux of the law of attraction is that ‘you attract what you are’. So, in the context of hair fall, this would mean, that you will have to not obsess about your hair fall. Understand that this will be the biggest hurdle for you to cross. Because we are reminded of our hair or the lack of it, every time we stand in front of the mirror or we see someone with gorgeous thick hair.

If you want to try the Law of attraction to grow your hair or stop your hair fall, try to relax about it and not make a huge deal about it. It’s not just about using the mind, but also having the faith that you will find the right dermatologist, supplements or hair treatments that will work perfectly for you and arrest your hair fall and also help you regrow lost hair.

To many, this approach may seem silly, but what have you to lose?  You will anyway be doing every other thing possible to maintain the hair on your head, so might as well do it with the right mindset.

Creating a head full of hair using visualisation

Visualise how you would like your hair to be. And then create an image of yourself with that hair, you can use a filter or a image editing tool. You can then take a print out of this photo and look at it a few times during the day, and imagine how you would ‘feel’ when you had hair like that. You can carry a small copy of that photo in your wallet and glance at it a few times during the day.

This is the power of visualisation and shifting your attention from ‘what is’ to ‘what you would like it to be’.

Another exercise you can try: Close your eyes and visualize yourself with a full head of healthy hair. Imagine running your fingers through your hair and feeling its thickness and vitality. Picture yourself feeling confident and content with your hair’s appearance. Imagine yourself at the hair dresser and s/he marvelling at how much your hair has improved.

Affirmations for hair growth

When it comes to affirmations, just empty recitations of the words will not help if you do not feel them to be true. Yes, if you have lost all your hair and are totally bald, it may be difficult [but not impossible] to believe that this will work. But remember, ‘feeling’ is the secret. So pay attention to your feelings and when you start to feel too anxious or distressed about your hair loss, distract yourself with other thoughts or actions.

1] I have healthy hair

2] I have a healthy scalp

3] My hair grows strong and healthy

4] I love my hair and how it makes me feel

5] I am grateful for the hair I have and confident that my scalp is growing more new hair

6] New hair are growing from every follicle on my scalp

7] My body is healthy and my scalp is healthy

8] I accept fully the type of hair I have, it’s mine and I accept it wholeheartedly

9] New hair are growing along my hairline and temples

10] The food I eat nourishes my hair and my scalp

11] I receive compliments for how my hair is starting to look

12] Every day in every way, my hair is getting better and better

13] I am thankful for the compliments I am receiving for my hair

14] I enjoy taking care of my hair and scalp and pampering it

You can create your own affirmations or choose from the above, ones that resonate with you. If a particular affirmation makes you feel worse about your situation, then that affirmation is not meant for you.

When is the best time to say affirmations for hair

The best time to say affirmations is when you are in a state of deep relaxation. Just as the worst time would probably be, when your anxiety is at it’s peak. Eg: if you’re standing in front of the mirror and observing your receding hairline or brushing your hair and notice your hair falling in bunches…this is NOT the time for saying affirmations.

But when you’re sitting by yourself, completely relaxed, eyes closed and just preparing to go to bed. Or anytime during the day you notice yourself feeling calm or happy, not necessarily for a specific reason, that’s the moment to affirm good things that you want to manifest.

When to say these affirmations:

You can say these anytime for the day, just after waking up, or before going to bed. I say these:

1] While brushing my hair

2] During my shampoo, rinse, condition routine

3] While oiling or applying any serum or tonic to my hair

4] While taking my hair supplements

5] While taking walks

Gratitude: the game changer

Don’t underestimate the power of gratitude in helping you manifest anything that you want. Practice gratitude for the hair you have and for the steps you’re taking to care for it. Gratitude can help shift your focus from what is lacking to what you appreciate, fostering a positive mindset.