3 Practical Law Of Attraction Strategies To Regrow Hair

I have been facing hair loss since more than a decade now and while I have used everything I could afford in order to retain the hair on my head, one thing I had not seriously tried so far, was the law of attraction [LOA]. In recent years, I had gotten very interested in experimenting with the LOA and have had many successes in other areas of my life. So I thought, why not! Let’s see what it can do for my hair. It’s been 6 months since I started this and I am happy with the results. My hair fall has stopped and my hair is very slowly, but surely growing back. My intention is to have a fuller hairline.

If you’re wanting to experiment with the law of attraction for getting thicker hair, then here are some suggestions for my experiments.

1] Do not obsess about your hair loss

I hope you’re still reading and I haven’t turned you off. Let me explain why I am suggesting to not obsess about your hair loss. I have now reached a point of acceptance regarding my hair, given that my hair loss started when I was a teen, and now I am close to 40. When I decided to try the LOA, I wasn’t actively using any hair loss remedies. More importantly I was using either a hair topper or hair fibers, seldom venturing out without one or the other atop my head. So while my intention is to use the law of attraction for hair growth, I am not consumed by this desire. But this was not me 10-15 years ago, when my hair fall had  started. In those days, I was an obsessed girl! All I thought about was my hair and I kept looking at the hair of others…at church, at a function, at the mall, at college, anywhere I went, it was like this big black cloud over my head. I was envious of everyone who had thick hair and I was always worried that my hair would never stop falling and I would go bald. I had even started having nightmares about the same. I had seen a bunch of dermatologists and trichologists and I today wish that at least one of them would have asked me to stop being so afraid of losing my hair. I am not asking you to put your head in the sand and ignore your hair fall, of course you can’t and you must not. But just find ways to relax about this topic. Challenging? Yes! Impossible? No!

If you’re grappling with hair loss, it’s important to remain open to the possibility of regrowth and increased thickness. Rather than fixating solely on genetics or familial hair thinning, be open to the idea of a different outcome. Additionally, while support groups offer valuable assistance, it’s wise to strike a balance and know when to back off and take a break from them. For me, while these groups have been super helpful, I noticed spending too much time in them often served as a reminder of my hair loss and the potential severity of the situation. So I always took a break from time to time. Remember the common adage used in the LOA world, relax and let it come to you.

2] Avoid the mirror

Mirror, mirror on the wall, you don’t have to be so honest after all. Those were my sentiments whenever I gazed upon my reflection, noticing my hair falling from its former glory [pun intended]. The wise mystic Neville Goddard once advised, “Leave the mirror and change your face,” and I was determined to try that out. During the initial stages of grappling with hair loss, I confess I became overly preoccupied with my reflection, incessantly examining my hairline and attempting to conceal areas of thinning. Frequently, I’d wield a handheld mirror to assess the state of the back of my head, closely monitoring its gradual thinning. If you find yourself caught in this same pattern, perhaps it’s time to leave the mirror alone.

Although some might consider this notion far-fetched, I can only speak from personal experience. I believe my excessive concern exacerbated the issue, hastening the process of hair loss for me. Looking back, I wish I had started using a hair topper sooner, as it significantly reduces the compulsion to scrutinize your hair. For instance, nowadays, I simply brush my hair, clip in my topper, and then check the mirror solely for adjustments and styling. I refrain from fixating on how my hair’s density has changed. Mind you, I take care of my hair, all the while employing the Law of Attraction to enhance its condition. Yet, I take extra precautions to minimize frequent encounters with the mirror. After all, the mirror can be  relentless reminder.

3] Take medical advice

Using the LOA does not mean sitting around and waiting for things to change on their own. When I decided to use the LOA for regrowing my hair, I also visited a dermatologist to assess the present state of my hair and what can be done to improve my hair thickness. In the past decade itself there have been a lot of new treatment options for hair growth like PRP and redensyl.

In the past, going to the dermatologist used to stress me out. I was worried they would say my hair was beyond help or that I’d have to wear a wig. This time, I went in feeling more relaxed and confident. Whatever the doctor said, I was determined to use my mind’s power to give my hair a chance. I knew whatever treatment I try, it would work better if I was relaxed about it and not desperate. I was already using a hair topper and had come to terms with the idea of a wig eventually. But thanks to the LOA, I was hoping to change that narrative. I wanted to imagine a day when I could go without the topper, with a head full of hair.

So, I started using hair serums, leave in conditioners, eating a nutritious diet, drinking more water and doing yoga specific to hair loss. I used to do this earlier as well, but this time I was doing it with a relaxed mindset. Just before sleeping, I would visualise myself with naturally thicker hair that I am happy with. Everytime I ran my fingers through my hair, or touched my hair, I did so with love and affection toward my hair. Yes it was not as lustrous now, but it once was, and it could be again. And it still deserved my love. When you decide on a treatment or supplement, hold the thought and belief that it will work for you. Your hair may return through a potion, a supplement, a therapy or a procedure, or all of it. Decide in your mind, what’s the route you would like to work for you, what seems reasonable and believable and go with that. First work on your feeling, and then reach for the treatment.

Also read » How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Grow Hair

I will be updating this post with actual pictures of my scalp to show you my progress. Have you tried the LOA to regrow hair? How has that been for you? Let’s meet in the comments.